Destined By Kismith LLC
In Pursuit Coaching Package
In Pursuit Coaching Package
Are you ready to tap in to the best version of yourself, discovering who God has created you to be? Have you been seeking clarity, a new perspective, confidence, self-awareness and self-love on a new level? Change is on the horizon. Let's move with intentionality. You have made the intention to move past life's obstacles, allowing nothing to hold you back from life's purpose. As an experienced Nurse of 25yrs, Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Certified Purpose/Life Coach, Consultant and Woman of God, I will share in my insight, and vast knowledge from my life's experiences. I will assist you in developing a strategic plan suitable for your unique journey. We've created a safe, loving and confidential space conducive to healing, growing and transforming. 1 Hour Service for each individual session.
**Silver Package: 3 Month Individualized Package, Monthly Sessions (3 Total)**
**Gold Package: 3 Month Individualized Package, Bi-monthly Sessions (6 Total)**
Please follow instructions as you are scheduling your appointment. Log in to create an account to ensure that all of your appointments are scheduled effectively.
- 1:1 Sessions via Google Meets (video call)
- Below not included in Individual Session
- Journal & Workbook Assignments
- Email or WhatsApp communication as needed up to twice weekly.